How to restore and change the password?

To restore or change the password, execute the following:

  1. Come to this page
  2. Enter an email which you used by LeaderTask’s account creation
  3. Press the button «Recover the password»
  4. We’ll send you an email with the subject “Password recovery data”
  5. Open the email and click the second link
  6. On the opened page enter the new password in two fields
  7. Press the «Change the Password» button

If the email doesn’t come to your email, please, be convinced that the letter wasn’t included in the Spam folder.

If the email hasn’t come to your mail and wasn’t included in the Spam folder, please, write us about this problem:

It’s also possible to change the password in the program.

For change of the password in Windows version of the program, execute the following:

  1. Open the main menu
  2. Choose “Account”
  3. Press the Change the Password button
  4. In the appeared window enter the old password and also the new password in two fields
  5. Press «Save»