How to learn date of creation/change of a task?

To learn date of creation of a task:

  • Click by the right button of a mouse on a task and choose “Properties”
  • The window of properties of a task will be displayed
  • Find a line “Date of creation” in the lower part of a window, there are date and time

Date of creation of a task is also displayed in the panel of properties of a task. Double click on a task and open a chat, having pressed the Enter the Message button. In the top part of a chat date and time is specified.

To learn date of the last change of a task:

  • Press the search button in the to-do list
  • The filtration panel will be displayed
  • Right-click on heading of any of columns
  • Select the Columns item, then “Date of change”
  • The Date of Change column will be displayed, the are date and time