Tasks end up in this section under the following circumstances:
- If you reset the values of three properties for a task: ‘Project,’ ‘Date,’ and ‘Assignee.’
- If someone granted me access to a project, I created tasks within that project without setting a date or assignee, and then I was removed from the project’s access. In this case, my tasks will appear in the ‘Unprocessed’ section. This applies whether my tasks were standalone (at the top level) or subtasks to other people’s tasks.
- If someone granted me access to a project, I created tasks within that project without setting a date or assignee, and then the project owner deleted the project. Again, my tasks will be placed in the ‘Unprocessed’ section. The same applies whether my tasks were standalone or subtasks to other people’s tasks.
If none of these situations occur, the ‘Unprocessed’ section will not be displayed in the navigator.
Displaying an empty (without tasks) ‘Unprocessed’ section is not possible.