Personnel control at enterprises takes place in different ways. Some managers limit themselves to reports and the results of work done, others invest in security services and video surveillance. Still others develop automation, preferring GPS trackers and remote CRM systems.
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What is the purpose of such monitoring? Does it benefit the company or limit actions? What happens if employees are not monitored? And how best to automate the process of monitoring the work of employees? All the questions will be answered in today’s article.
Monitoring staff performance is not only necessary for the manager or officer in charge of the project. But also the employees of the organization. In this case, the boss knows that he will definitely get results, loyalty and a reliable team. And the staff develops professionally, grows, can claim a higher and more stable salary. In addition, control makes the requirements and rules clear.
Proper organization of personnel activity control improves the following points:
Employee monitoring is a mutually beneficial cooperation between two parties, which is implemented for the common good of the team. Monitoring also helps to identify unscrupulous, dishonest, lazy and unmotivated employees who are not interested in their work and career. Timely detection of such persons allows to reduce the level of theft at the enterprise, notice untimely arrival and departure, prevent internal espionage, identify fraudsters, find the “weak link” among employees.
Any job, even an interesting and highly paid one, continues to be an employee’s responsibility and implies serious efforts. Lack of control greatly relaxes the team and leads to poor results. Let’s analyze in more detail the main problems that will arise in the absence of discipline and low level of control in the company.
Every living creature strives to save energy, it is a basic law of nature. Therefore, in the absence of real control, most employees gradually begin to follow the path of least resistance: they do tasks quickly and poorly, expending minimum effort, procrastinate, drink tea, and spend time in idle conversations.
Some teammates do quite a lot but pay lip service. However, their abilities and capabilities may be severely limited. Without regular monitoring, it is impossible to keep track of which employees are missing deadlines due to lack of qualifications, skills, and motivation. Especially among outsourced team members.
Some supervisors have a fairly high level of knowledge, but may perform poorly due to employee bias, belittling, firing valuable employees. Some may withhold information valuable to the team and the company in order to receive high bonuses and look good in the eyes of top management.
Thus, properly organized monitoring of employees’ work is not a whim of employers, but a necessity, with the help of which team members work productively. With monitoring, employees have the opportunity to be objectively evaluated, as well as to independently analyze their personal contribution to the firm’s activities. This increases staff motivation and business productivity.
There are several types of employee activity control. Among them there are preliminary, final, stage-by-stage.
This monitoring should not be used too often, as constant monitoring puts pressure on the staff. But it can be useful in a number of cases. For example, when a new employee is being trained in the company. The manager just needs to make sure that the project is moving in the right direction.
It is used in work to check the final results of labor activity, when an employee has already achieved a certain goal, solved a task. Such monitoring is carried out on the basis of a work report, project completion, won dispute in court, launched software.
The advantage of this type of control is that it gives the employee a certain degree of autonomy. It allows him to feel trust, thanks to which the employee tries to take responsibility for the fulfillment of the task, develops professionally. At the same time, the manager will be able to save resources, time, energy and will not be distracted from the implementation of direct affairs.
Among the disadvantages of this type of control is the significant risk of violating the deadlines of the assignment or the performance of low-quality work by the staff. Especially when it comes to tasks performed by a new or inexperienced employee. Therefore, this type of control is only suitable for proven, qualified employees.
It is used when it is necessary to break down a task into specific stages. This type of control focuses the personnel on the result rather than on the processes of labor performance. This helps minimize the risk of failure to achieve the final goal.
How is phased personnel control applied to work activities? The administration or manager divides the task into several logical subtasks. For example, to collect data, analyze the problem, search for solutions, choose one of them, and then prepare documentation, submit documents to state authorities for registration. After completing the sub-stage, as well as the last stage, the supervisor conducts an inspection.
Step-by-step employee supervision is best suited for large tasks with long lead times. It is also useful when dealing with inattentive, process-oriented employees who require frequent supervisor support.
Of course, in no case should you stand behind your own colleagues’ backs and rigidly control their every move. This will lead to tension in the team, stress and will even worsen the performance of the department and work to a disadvantage. The most effective methods of control include:
The most productive way is to combine both methods and apply them equally in the work of any department of the company. In this case, the result will not be long in coming.
Competent personnel monitoring is organized in accordance with the basic principles of effective monitoring. We have identified seven such rules.
Every employee in an enterprise should be aware that his or her performance is monitored. He should also know what tools are used for this purpose, what key performance indicators are evaluated and what consequences await him as a result of effective or poor performance.
The most convenient way to do this is to use a clear regulation, i.e. a written manual or regulation for monitoring staff performance. All the key points of control are prescribed in it. Each employee should know its content and understand the working conditions.
A sense of stability and security is the key to productive activity. The control system must be clear and not change too often. Whereas self-sabotaging supervisors only undermine their authority and reduce productivity.
The rules for monitoring employees should be the same for the whole team. Impartiality is the best assistant in monitoring. Whereas subjectivism and favorites have no place in business.
Keeping abreast of everything and getting involved in every project are two completely different, incompatible processes. A manager should only act according to a pre-approved plan, unless it is an emergency situation.
A well-oiled system is a regular system. If the management starts supervising the activities of subordinates, it should do it on a regular basis, not abandon or weaken the supervision, bring it to a point.
Administrative staff, supervisors, managers and other top managers who supervise staff should not devote all their time to monitoring other staff. Otherwise, they will simply not have time to conduct their activities, which will affect the performance of the whole business.
Monitoring just for the sake of monitoring does nothing. It is necessary to understand what to do with the results of monitoring: to identify effective employees or problem areas, to think about further actions, to unlock potential or to eliminate shortcomings.
No matter how much a manager strives to increase productivity and improve employee performance, he or she can always face the opposite effect. This is most often caused by common administrative shortcomings. There are only three of them:
In addition, unethical methods of monitoring the team are never allowed. These include listening to telephone conversations, reading messages, surveillance by mounting video cameras, monitoring employees through a webcam on a PC or its computer screen.
Tracking the work of the team should be done legally, correctly and systematically, without backlash and negative impact. In this case, employees will not be afraid of punishments, dismissals, but will begin to strive for high performance and fruitful activity. And personnel control in the company will turn into an obvious plus.
One of the main factors of successful personnel management is the automation of work control. Its implementation has become possible with the help of modern remote programs, online services, time tracking systems, special CRM-systems. These solutions effectively ensure productivity, accountability of employees, allow to achieve compliance with the rules established in the company.
From the many best products on the market, we have selected the most reliable and convenient services that allow you to monitor the activities of your employees, especially in remote locations. Read the review carefully, familiarize yourself with the functionality, options and tasks to decide which program is right for your business.
The unique assistant helps the team and individual employees to plan cases and activities, include important tasks in the day plan, monitor assignments, do not forget about projects, and quickly achieve goals. The program allows you to effectively save time and make the company more productive.
Ideal for teamwork, supervising subordinates. Its tools easily distribute and delegate tasks, create projects and customize work with them, provide individual or collaborative experience to execute and control the process.
A program that automatically records the hours of working time at the computer, meetings and calls. It helps managers keep track of managers’ PC activities, their location, what they used and what programs they used. Applications can be marked as efficient or inefficient.
Do not forget that before purchasing software, it should be tested. For this purpose, services offer either a trial period of 7 to 30 days or a free version with a limited set of functions.
Then you will definitely not make a mistake, you will make the right choice. The service will allow you to effectively monitor employees, increase labor productivity, improve sales of goods or services. We wish you good luck!