Everything begins with several cases. You manage to execute almost all. Suddenly couple of new are added to them. Then “arrive” cases on job. Then several personal tasks. You carry the small personal project, and, certainly, there are tasks too.
You begin to be perplexed with what business to begin, they crowded much. You hold some affairs in the head, others are written in the daily log, on stickers, pieces of paper. Chaos.
You try to systematize some tasks, but new tasks quickly break system. Permanently something is forgotten on a trifle.
You permanently are nervous.

LeaderTask will help to bring order to affairs and to drop a stone from heart.
Create the project “Business” in LeaderTask
The project is an analog of the folder on the computer.

Write all tasks in this project: working and personal

Create projects for different types of affairs

Distribute affairs on projects
Now you have an ideal order!

View all projects and distribute in every of them affairs on days in the calendar

When you distribute affairs on days, use the golden rule of planning:
Plan no more than 80% of working hours!
By the way, all tasks will remain in projects. They will have a sign – specific date.
You can click for any day in the calendar and see the to-do list of this day:

You can also go through months in the calendar.
It allows to plan affairs on for any day in the future. Even for 3 years ahead!

Every morning you watch the to-do list for today