Team roles in LeaderTask

To effectively manage teams in LeaderTask, there is a role-based system: Super Administrator, Administrator, Client, Performer, and Observer.

The role of a Super Administrator is assigned to the account for which the LeaderTask license was purchased. The Super Administrator organizes the team’s work, adds and removes users from the organization, changes employee account passwords, and has the right to view all tasks of employees.

Administrators can add and remove employees, change passwords, but cannot view the tasks of others. Only the Super Administrator has the authority to appoint administrators.

The Client creates and assigns tasks to the Performer, the employee who will carry them out. Unlike the Client, who can freely edit the task, the capabilities of the Performer are limited. The Performer can leave comments in the task chat, attach files, mark the status of checklist items as completed, and the overall status of the task.

The Performer can set their own task completion date. LeaderTask records both the Client’s and Performer’s dates and sends a notification to discuss the task completion deadline.

Observers are employees who can view the task, leave comments, and attach files. The main role of Observers is to monitor the progress of task execution by the Performer.

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