Various systems and methods are used in project management. Among them is the classic Waterfall methodology, which is a cascade model in which each transition to the next stage occurs only after the previous stage is completed. Today this method is rarely used, although for more than half a century of its existence it has proved its validity and efficiency many times. In fact, despite the active introduction of flexible Agile-technologies in the business sphere, there are many companies in which the cascade management system is the only alternative.
Create and maintain projects in LeaderTask management system, add your colleagues to them for collaboration and more efficient execution. Give task access to different employees to control the process together.
This method was first formulated in 1970 by Winston Walker Royce, a specialist in information technology. In 1976, the technology received its official name. Initially, the waterfall model was used in software development, but in IT it was successfully replaced by flexible Agile methods. Currently, the method is more in demand in the space and aviation industries, the financial sector, and medicine.
Waterfall project management system is based on cascading product development. In its framework, all project activities proceed sequentially, without any deviations from the plan. This methodology is characterized by a brief description of timelines and processes, which can be conventionally compared to the cascades of a waterfall.
Waterfall methodology is also called cascading development model. It is designed for practical application in project management and is similar to lean production. But lean management is most often applied in companies where it is necessary to identify and analyze customer requirements at the early stages of development, as well as in projects where it is important to present all stages of work as clearly as possible.
Waterfall management is one of the most popular project management practices based on a selectable brief and sequential flow of stages. With this method of web project development, the difference between stages can be well defined and an overview of each cycle can be made.
The traditional Waterfall methodology is based on 8 principles:
The waterfall model assumes a sequential execution of work. The number of phases, content, even their sequence may vary from project to project. But the essence is the same: each life phase of the project follows the previous one in a strict sequence. For example, a waterfall project in IT, organized according to the traditional cascade system, will consist of the following phases:
Waterfall methodology is based on a clearly planned ToR and does not allow the slightest deviations from the plan, unlike Agile technologies, which welcome adaptability and flexibility.
Lack of flexibility, mandatory formalization of project management that negatively affects the speed of task completion – these factors are serious reasons to criticize the cascade approach. The disadvantages of Waterfall include:
Despite its many “weaknesses,” the waterfall approach has many advantages. Let us briefly consider some of them:
Since 2009, the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) has included a hybrid version of management that combines the advantages of the cascade methodology and iterative techniques.
The formalized Waterfall system is relevant when creating complex products that require large financial outlays and a strict sequence of work (for example, in the military, aviation, and space industries). To see if this methodology is suitable for your project, answer the following questions for yourself:
Effective project management is impossible without automation and implementation of professional project and team management tools. They help to organize teamwork, achieve set goals with less time, and optimize business processes.
LeaderTask is an innovative software product that is an online service for planning, tracking employee efficiency, and organizing teamwork. In the application you can create projects, tasks, distribute them among employees. Track their progress and mark the performance of each performer on a convenient, informative graph.
The program includes a calendar for daily planning, a progressive system of reminders and notifications that will keep you informed of all current and planned project activities. The application works on all digital platforms: Web, Windows, Android, iOS, MacOS, with synchronization of information between mobile devices and PCs. It supports tools of popular management methodologies, including Waterfall, Agile methods, GTD, Scrum, Kanban, Pareto principle and other task and time management techniques.
Like many other management methods, Waterfall has its own characteristics, pros and cons. The cascade approach is definitely appropriate in the construction industry and medicine. It is not suitable for startups and IT. For these areas, it is more reasonable to choose the use of an agile model and methods of working on projects.