To determine the productivity of companies and their employees, labor productivity indicators are used. On the basis of their analysis, various management decisions are made concerning the increase or reduction of staff, the need to modernize production or personal changes. The higher the indicators, the better the business is performing.
Assign tasks to your coworkers right in LeaderTask to free up your time for more important things. Create projects and add your coworkers to them for collaboration and more efficient execution. Give task access to different coworkers to control the process together.
The criterion determines how useful an employee is to the company and how efficiently he works. Based on this indicator, standards are developed and methods of motivation and labor remuneration (in the form of salary or hourly wage) are approved. Increased productivity contributes to increased profits of companies, effective development of the economy as a whole.
The growth of labor productivity is followed by the growth of the population’s welfare. Due to the timely transfer of taxes and increase in wages, the social sphere is developing, pensions and social payments are increasing, and free medical services are becoming more accessible.
By comparing the data on productivity in dynamics, it is possible to assess how loaded the company’s employees are, whether it is necessary to reduce or, on the contrary, to expand the staff. The analysis will give an idea of what innovations will affect the efficiency of the enterprise. For example, an increase in salary or the introduction of a system of personal incentives for employees.
The study of the obtained data will help to find places in management that need to be reorganized or “tightened”. To accurately determine the criterion, a special formula is used:
PT = Volume of goods produced / Number of employees of the company (department).
Simply put, this parameter consists of two elements: output and labor intensity. Output is the volume of products or services performed by an employee. It is calculated as follows:
B = Volume of products, services (in money, standard hours or in kind).
Labor intensity shows how much labor is required to create one product. It is determined by the formula inverse of productivity: Labor intensity = Unit of time / Quantity of goods produced.
Several methods are used to evaluate effectiveness:
In analytics, three types of performance are distinguished:
Many factors influence the level of labor productivity. Possible ways to increase it:
Achievement of the above results is possible with the implementation of a set of measures, including:
Labor productivity in services, sales, IT is influenced by the decisions and actions of managers. Therefore, in this case it is important for the manager to set goals correctly. They should be realistic and achievable, so that the staff can take them responsibly and seriously.
Employees should concentrate on their personal tasks and not be dispersed into a multitude of small tasks that are not part of their direct duties. They should not be responsible for cleaning the office (store, hairdresser’s) or sending correspondence to the post office. It would be better if this was handled by a separate employee, while the main specialists would spend their working time for the greater benefit of the company.
Delegation of authority, which allows to relieve the manager from routine tasks to solve important strategic issues, can increase performance. By distributing current tasks among subordinates, it is possible to prevent burnout of management personnel due to overload, increasing responsibility and leadership qualities of the company’s employees.
Personnel training should be an important part of the company’s corporate culture. Continuous personnel development activities are a prerequisite for the company’s survival in market conditions.
Negative factors that reduce productivity include:
Competent project management will help to avoid these problems. The manager assembles a team of qualified specialists. He organizes suitable conditions for each team member, motivates employees, and maintains a favorable emotional climate within the team.
Possible factors for increasing labor productivity include:
Emotional state of employees and job satisfaction have a positive impact on efficiency. Interested people work with greater efficiency. This leads to increased profits and company development. Employees who are disengaged from the work process demotivate others, reducing the overall productivity of the company.
In teams with a large number of dissatisfied employees, conflicts often arise due to personal grudges, misunderstandings, overloading the work of some specialists at the expense of freeing up others. People lose interest in their work and perform it poorly. The task of each manager is to form a positive attitude to work in his subordinates, using individual approaches and modern project management tools.
One of the first mistakes of many companies is the unjustified expansion of the administrative and management apparatus. People who have been given high positions claim higher salaries. However, they are not always able to take responsibility or competently supervise their subordinates. To demonstrate their weight in the team, such leaders organize endless meetings. They demand reports from their subordinates on any issues, preventing them from focusing on their direct duties.
You can avoid the presence of “superfluous” people in the company’s management by using a simple formula for building a management structure. One manager is sufficient for a group of 7-10 people. For larger organizations, for example, of 50 people, a two-stage management system is suitable, including 5 managers managing departments of 10 people and a general director.
Another mistake that leads to a decrease in labor productivity: unnecessary service personnel who are idle most of the time. To solve this problem, we need to analyze the workload of the management staff and support services and optimize the number of employees.
Illiterate decisions of managers and improper organization of personnel work negatively affect efficiency.
For efficient work within a company, it is important to use modern technical tools to help plan and organize work processes. These are special programs, services, electronic assistants and digital applications for individual and group work. Electronic schedulers help to competently distribute tasks among executives, control the progress of their fulfillment, and make timely adjustments.
These include programs such as:
A popular electronic application for improving personal and corporate efficiency, allowing to increase the productivity of employees several times due to the systematization and rational organization of working time.
The program works on the system of “Getting Things Done”, which means bringing things to the finish line by making lists, prioritizing them and following a certain schedule.
Using the LeaderTask scheduler, it is easy to control daily and strategic tasks. By putting work processes in perspective, it is convenient to adjust deadlines, delegate tasks or make notes on task execution. The application functionality includes the following tools:
A clear, easy-to-use planner that helps to realize any project in team or individual work. It functions on the principle of kanban boards. The main screen of the program is presented in the form of a task bar divided into columns including planned, ongoing and completed activities. As tasks are completed, they are moved to the corresponding column.
When using the application as a work and personal time organizer, the user is provided with the following tools:
A modern application for planning and organizing quick collaboration in teams in the form of a kanban board that allows you to coordinate the work of the team, track the number of planned, active or overdue tasks on the diagram. The program functionality includes the following tools:
Professional assistant in project management of any complexity. It is an online version of the Gantt chart. The program is easy to use, functional and efficient. In addition to the diagram itself, it has many built-in functions.
An improvised coordinate system is displayed on the main screen of the application. The created tasks are displayed on the vertical axis, and the dates of their fulfillment – on the vertical axis, forming a graphical image that visually demonstrates the amount of completed and planned work on the object with dates. There are ready-made templates. It is effective as a tool for organizing teamwork. Its tools include:
Productivity can be improved in a number of ways. For example, by rationally distributing the working time of the organization’s employees. Or by introducing modern equipment into production.
Creating a comfortable environment for the company’s employees can help increase productivity. People who are independently responsible for the tasks assigned to them take their work more seriously. A manager should not control every step of a subordinate, trusting him to freely dispose of his time and resources. Competent leadership consists in checking the work done and analyzing its result. Teamwork, involving managers and executives in joint project management will help to achieve better results.
Efficient work is impossible without well-built communications within the company. For this purpose, it is necessary to use modern tools that help to control the extent and quality of tasks performed to obtain optimal results.