Nice tool of online planning

Michael Kalashnikov
Michael Smith
23 August 2023
2 min

Online planning – today a lot of people refuse paper daily, giving preference to electronic analogues.

We have one very high-quality planning tool, let’s sort it out.


What are the benefits of online planning?

Online planning has several clear advantages over its offline counterpart:

  1. Possibility to change its to-do list in 2 clicks;
  2. The absence of dirt in the daily is an essential aspect of planning psychology;
  3. The possibility to create a single to-do list on all their devices;
  4. Create to-do lists for any day, week, month and year ahead, etc.

But online planning may also have some shortcomings. Thus, for example, not all online daily books allow to work with tasks in offline mode. And it is very important – after all if you go somewhere on a business trip, work on the plane literally stops.

There is one scheduler that allows you to work in online and offline modes. It’s LeaderTask.


What is LeaderTask?

LeaderTask is a great tool of online planning. So, in this app you can:

  1. Break down tasks into subtasks with unlimited nesting;
  2. Apply unlimited number of files and documents to the required task;
  3. Create assignments for your employees by simply drag-n-droping the task to their name;
  4. Highlight the most important in the to-do list using colors and tags;
  5. Combine in one tool all your team and much more.

You can also use one of the suggested time management tools in LeaderTask. And this is an extremely important part of online planning.

So, to your use are available:

  1. Gantt chart;
  2. Pomodoro;
  3. Orgstructure;
  4. Wheel of life, etc.

Over 50 time management techniques are implemented in LeaderTask. Try it in action now:

LeaderTask Self-Development App

Track your habits, create daily to-do lists in the LeaderTask planner, set up repeats and reminders, so you don’t miss anything important. Make sure to plan your workday to become more productive in your career and personal life.


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Professional Task Planner and Organizer
Download the LeaderTask app and enjoy the simplicity and convenience of planning your tasks.